Transforming your unwanted
patterns and behaviours
Strategic Psychotherapy, Coaching & Clinical Hypnotherapy
Our mental wellness is similar to physical fitness - It takes consistent work and support. We all need a a little help sometimes to perform and feel at our very best.
At the Mind Emporium we are working to normalise coaching, counselling and regular conversations for everyone and encourage seeking wellbeing support early and openly. Our services and programs allow the support you need to be tailored to you and your requirements.
We are ready to support you -
What To Expect At Your Appointment
Coaching and therapy is about you. When you come to work with me we will discuss the outcomes you would like to achieve and the methods that we will use to support you. Sometimes there may be a number of themes or issues you would like to work on. These will be mapped out in our initial sessions and adjusted as required as we work towards change in your patterns and behaviours.
When we are working together, you are in the drivers seat - you are in control of the work you wish to do and the outcomes you achieve. Our role at the Mind Emporium is to be your guide... perhaps think of us as your map reader or navigator on your journey.
“Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength”
Sigmund Freud
Contact Us
Located on the Mid North Coast, Australia
0413 124 499
If you have an immediate crisis – you or others can contact:
Emergency Services 000
Lifeline 131 114
Beyond Blue 1300 224 636
Suicide Callback Service 1300 659 467
Men Referral Service 1300 766 491
Mensline 1300 789 978
1800 Respect 1800 737 732
Kids Helpline (5-25yrs) 1800 551 800
eheadspace (12-25yrs) 1800 650 890
Industry Association Memberships:
GOHA (Guild of Australian Hypnotherapists)
ISPA (International Strategic Psychotherapists Association)
AACHP Inc (Australian Association of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy Incorporated)
Gallup - Workplace Consulting and Global Research
(IAP) The Institute of Applied Psychology
The Mind Emporium Australia, acknowledges the Birpai people as the traditional custodians of the land and pays respect to elders past, present and emerging.
We acknowledge this is aboriginal land, and always will be.
We also embrace inclusion and diversity regarding ethnicity, lifestyle choice, faith, sexual orientation and gender identity with a commitment to creating a safe environment for all people.